● 消除接地环路
● 线路接收器,数据传输
● 数据复用
● 开关电源
● 更换脉冲变压器
● 计算机外围设备接口
● 高速逻辑接地隔离
The FT-825 series devices each consists of an infrared emitting diodes, optically coupled to a photo darlington detector.These devices are packaged in an 8-pin DIP package and available in wide-lead spacing and SMD option.
These small outline high CMR, high speed, logic gate optocouplers are single channel devices in a five lead miniature footprint.
FT-X2-6N137光耦合器由一个850纳米的AlGaAS LED和一个集成光电探测器高速逻辑门输出器件组成。它的封装形式有DIP-8和SMD-8。一个内部噪声屏蔽提供了典型值为10KV/μs优越的共模抑制典型。FT-X2-6N137的最低共模抑制比为5KV/μs。
FT-X2-TLP127是北亿纤通研发的一款小型贴片的光耦产品,适用于表面贴片组装。FT-X2-TLP127由砷化镓红外发光二极管与带积分基极-发射极电阻的达林顿光电晶体管组成的高压光电耦合器, VCEO达到300V以上。
通用经济型光MOS继电器FT-X2-AQW21x,有8引脚封装的双通道单刀单掷(2 Form A)和4引脚封装的单通道单刀单掷(1 Form A)可供选用,增强隔离电压5000V。
北亿纤通专业研发生产:DIP8国产光耦, 是一家专业的DIP8国产光耦厂家,具有优质的DIP8国产光耦品质,有很好的DIP8国产光耦价格,DIP8国产光耦海量交付给国防、军工、航空、航天、兵器、舰船、雷达、电子、核工业、军事、电力、铁路、医疗、交通、通信、电信、政府、国防科技工业系统内大专院校及科研院所
The FT-31X0 series consist of an infrared light emitting diodes and integrated high gain, high-speed photo detectors. The device is housed in a 8 pin DIP package.
北亿纤通专业研发生产:SMD8国产光耦, 是一家专业的SMD8国产光耦厂家,具有优质的SMD8国产光耦品质,有很好的SMD8国产光耦价格,SMD8国产光耦海量交付给国防、军工、航空、航天、兵器、舰船、雷达、电子、核工业、军事、电力、铁路、医疗、交通、通信、电信、政府、国防科技工业系统内大专院校及科研院所
The FT-S31X0 series consist of an infrared light emitting diodes coupled to an integrated circuit with a power output stage. The photo coupler has an internal shield that provides guaranteed common-mode transient immunity of ±25 kV/μs. It is suitable for direct gate driving circuit for IGBTs or power MOSFETs.
The FT-W3120 consists of an infrared light emitting diodes and integrated high gain, high-speed photo detectors. The device is housed in an 8 pin DIP wide body package and available in SMD package option.
The FT-452-G contains an infrared emitting diode, optically coupled to a high voltage darlington phototransistor. It is packaged in a 4-pin small outline SMD package.
FT-X2-HCPL3120 是一种 2.5A 输出电流栅极驱动光电耦合器, 可驱动大多数中功率 IGBT 和 MOSFET。在电机控制逆变器以及高性能电力系统中,其非常适用于快速切换驱动功率 IGBT 和 MOSFET。
The FT-815 series of devices each consist of an infrared emitting diodes, optically coupled to a photo Darlington detector. They are packaged in a 4-pin DIP package and available in wide-lead spacing and SMD option.
● 隔离IGBT/功率MOSFET栅极驱动
● 工业逆变
● 交流无刷和直流电机驱动器
● 感应加热
● 开关电源
The FT-113,FT-4NXX and FT-11BX series of devices each consist of an infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a photo darlington detector. They are packaged in a 6-pin DIP package and available in wide-lead spacing and SMD option.
● 隔离IGBT/功率MOSFET栅极驱动
● 工业逆变
● 交流无刷和直流电机驱动器
● 感应加热
● 开关电源